Frequently Asked Questions - click question to get the extended answer

About the Product

Extras are classes allocated to replace absent teachers. They include any class taken by a teacher which is in excess of the school determined maximum number of periods to be taught in a cycle. Other variations on the broadly used term include "Covers", "Supervisions", "Replacements", "Substitutes" or "Top Ups". A Replacement ("In lieu of") is a class that is assigned to a teacher when that teacher’s timetabled class is cancelled (e.g. due to a camp). A Top-Up is any class given to a teacher who is under allotted to bring them to their full teaching load.

When teachers are away from school, class details (date, period, room, etc) & instructions are usually made. These details form part of an "Extra Notice" given to a replacement teacher. This can be in print or electronic format (view an old example of a extra notice). MyExtras helps teachers to accurately and efficiently generate this information.

Extras are written primarily for the replacement teacher. While the information they contain is applicable to students, care should be exercised when projecting or distributing Extra Notices for the class to see, as they sometimes contain sensitive information.

If your school follows the Southern Hemisphere school year, has a 5 or 10 day timetable cycle, and is generated by the software called "The Timetabler" (Version 9 or later) by Timetabling Solutions, then yes, it is compatible with your school timetabling setup.

A web browser with both javascript and cookies enabled is required to use this site. We utilise many HTML5 features, so a recent browser version will enhance your experience and usability. Please note that file attachments to extra notices may not work on some mobile device that do not support uploading local files.

MyExtras makes extensive use of PDF files for the saving, viewing and printing of Extra Notices. Although some web browsers such as Safari, Firefox, Edge & Chrome now incorporate a built in PDF reader, stand alone PDF applications such as Adobe Reader enable additional features. Most school computers would have this already installed.

In case you don't wish to, or are unable to download and install PDF viewing software on your computer, MyExtras has a built in option that uses Google Document Viewer to display PDF's instead.

Visit here if you require further PDF Support for this site.

The webpage templates support all UTF-8 encoded languages. The PDF documents supports the CP1252 encoding and character set (Windows character set). This is a superset of the ISO-8859-1M (ISO Latin 1) Character Encoding which includes the following list of languages: Western Europe and Americas: Afrikaans, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Faeroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. If your language is not supported, it is possible to attach a document to an extra notice that does support your language (e.g. MS Word document).

Our page optimisations are consistently high, with scores above 90% on Google Page Insights for both the mobile and desktop platforms. [ homepage insights] We load a considerable amount of our data asynchronously to help with page load times.

We do not use single sign on for Microsoft Active Directory users.
The sign in process is fairly straight forward though using a school code / teacher code. You can link to the school sign-in page from your private intranet. You can also link directly to your school's daily extras bulletin from a unique shareable link that allows for an automatic sign in to MyExtras for teachers taking extras.


In some cases, the traditional printed extra sheet may be sufficient. Class instructions can be either typed or handwritten and distributed via pigeon holes.

Most extra notices today are viewed online. This allows easier access for the covering teacher and reduces the amount of printing. Simply check the "Take an Extra" option when logging into MyExtras (login as yourself, not the absent teacher), select the teacher you are covering, then scroll to the required period. From here you can also give e-Feedback for the absent teacher on the extra taken.

You can also enter the unique ID code on the extra notice into the Teacher: View an Extra" section on the homepage, or click on the replacement teacher name in your daily extras bulletin.

Most PDF readers will recognise web addresses as hyperlinks. Simply click on the link on the PDF to go to the requires website. If not, just copy and paste the url (web address) into your browser address bar.

These are QR "Quick Response" codes or simply "paper-based hyperlinks". They are a fast way to view an extra notice without having to login to MyExtras.

A mobile device with a camera (phone, tablet, ipad etc) with small software application such as is required to read QR codes. Often these can be downloaded for free.

This code is a unique ID code that allows you to quickly view an online version of an extra notice directly from the MyExtras Homepage. Like the QR code, it is a fast way to view an extra notice without having to login to MyExtras. Simply enter the code on the homepage under "Teacher: View an Extra".

Yes, 7 days after the date on the Extra Notice, the codes will expire.

Yes, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote, Zip, JPG, Zip and MP3 files less than 10 Megabytes in size may be attached. The file attach feature is found on the menu bar directly above class instructions. If you attach a file to an extra, a message and weblink appears on the PDF version of the extra asking the replacement teacher to login to MyExtras to download the file. Files are automatically deleted 28 days from when they are uploaded.*

*Please note that this feature is provided as a short term "usefulness feature", and is not intended to be a permanent file storage solution like a school intranet. Wherever possible, teachers should link to websites in their class instructions rather than downloading and attaching copyrighted website material.

Usually Extra Notices have a section on them that allows the replacement teacher to make a comment on how the class performed and what stage of work the students reached. The advantage of electronic feedback (e-Feedback) is that teachers at home sick can view how their classes went via MyExtras on the internet. This information can be used by the absent teacher to help organise and generate further Extra Notices if required.

E-Feedback also has the added advantage of Extra Notices not necessarily having to be returned to the absent teacher's pigeon hole!

Extra Notices & e-Feedback are available to the teacher who created them for four years (e.g 2025 Extra Notices/e-Feedback will be deleted at the end of 2028).

There is a "Download All" feature at STEP 1 that enables you to backup your own extras into a single zip file to save on your computer.

This can occur at the start of Semester Two if your timetable uses different subject codes from Semester One. If you saved your extras under the first semester timetable, will not be able to recall their saved instructions for editing with the second semester timetable. You can though, copy and paste from the saved PDF file instead.

Yes, simply check the "Open extras in a new page or tab" option at Step 1. Generate the templates, then go back and select another date(s) from the calendar and do the same. You can then cut and paste class instructions between the different open windows or tabs for the different days. It does not matter what order you save the extras as, as they will automatically sort in your extras file list at the bottom of Step 1.

Yes, simply check the "generate non-timetabled extra" option at Step 1. You can make both timetabled and non-timetabled extras for the same date. Non-timetabled extras can be identified in your file list by not having a Day Number in their filename.

They are a quick way of thanking your replacement teacher and acknowledging the effort they made to give feedback to you. If a replacement teacher receives a certain number of thank you's in a calendar year (number set by the school MyExtras Administrator), they qualify for a downloadable certificate of appreciation.

Problem solving

There are known issues with the Windows 10 Edge browser PDF reader. To eliminate these, it is recommended you use Adobe Reader. Visit here for a download link and more info on PDF's.

Please ask your MyExtras School Administrator (usually the Daily Organiser) to update the week numbers for your school. You can manually override this if required at the top of Step 1.

You may also need the same administrator to import an updated copy of your school timetable into MyExtras.

Extra Notices at MyExtras are limited to a one page A4 sized document. Sometimes a teacher enters too much information in the class instructions to fit on the PDF. When this occurs a message will appear on the PDF to direct the replacement teacher to view the missing text online. Simply go to the "Take and Extra" page and select the teacher you are covering. Go to the period you are taking then scroll down the class instructions to see the missing text.

This is your teacher code saved in your school timetable file. If you are not sure, ask your school Timetabler. For Casual Relief Teachers, ask the school MyExtras administrator (usually the Daily Organiser or equivalent), for a CRT login password.

This is the optional numerical code that that appends to your teacher code. If you forget your passcode, simply sign in with your teacher code only. You will the be given a passcode recovery option to me emailed to your school email account.


To add a website icon on the iPad Home screen, open the Safari web browser and navigate to the website ( When the page has finished loading, select the Share button at the top of the screen. The Share button is shaped like a square with an arrow coming out of the top. A menu will appear providing several options for how you would like to share the web page. Select the item labelled “Add to Home Screen” then select "Add".

Our number one tip is that it is better to leave too much work for students than not enough! Please see our extras guides for more useful tips.
