Daily Organiser / School MyExtras Administrator Features

easy 1 file timetable import from The Timetabler.

remind teachers of the contact requirements for unforeseen absence.

ensure that extra notices are generated for the correct day in the timetable cycle.

prompt covering teachers with important reminders e.g. roll marking.

access and administer teachers' extra notices quickly & efficiently.

monitor feedback from covering teachers.

award staff certificates for providing feedback.

appoint access to co-ordinators to view / search feedback.

provide convenient access for staff absence forms.

send daily extras bulletin with direct links to extra notices (email, app and webhooks e.g. MS Teams).

forward date & view/manage extra bulletins.

release or withhold extras bulletins.

message staff with auto enabled and disabled timed messages.

auto archive of disabled messages for future re-use.

collate & email replacement teachers.

easy rollover to backup Admin/Daily Org during absence.

administer login details for CRT teachers.

store relevant information for Casual Relief Teachers.

built in redundancy with regular offsite extra notice backups.

archive school extra notices, & extra bulletins from previous years.

full ssl security

24x7 website monitoring at 1 minute intervals & access to offsite monitoring page.

statistical overview of extras generated and feedback given and received.

easy integration with existing intranet.